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What midsize and large organizations think?
Talk about multicloud
Gartner claims that 75% of midsize and large organizations will have adopted the multicloud strategy by the end of 2021
of organizations
Gartner claims that 75% of midsize and large organizations will have adopted the multicloud strategy by the end of 2021
of organizations
Named the complexity of management and administration, absence of native data migration tools, lack of comprehensive security and operations costs as a key blockers in multicloud strategy adoption
of enterprises
of enterprises
Named the complexity of management and administration, absence of native data migration tools, lack of comprehensive security and operations costs as a key blockers in multicloud strategy adoption
emma addresses all the multicloud challenges in a single platform
And what about emma?
Who is our product for?
Focus on business growth while emma looks after your clouds
API Gateway
Managed multicloud k8s
Automation and Pipelines
Environment autoscaling
Spot instances support
Reporting and notifications
Any Cloud - single account
Visibility and Provisioning
No-code (build, manage, migrate)
User roles and policies
Multicloud networks
eStore - apps for your business
Single invoice
Full-scale analytics
Forecasting tools
Project budgets and limits
AI driven cost management
Consumption based recommendations
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